Study the art of Taiko

Learn without prior musical knowledge. Taiko within your reach!
The repetitive rhythm emerges from us naturally and instinctively, and the coordination in the movements helps us improve our motor skills. The energy we apply with each strike stimulates our body. The playful dynamics foster initiative and sharpen our minds, improving concentration, and learning different rhythms helps reinforce our memory.
When we study Taiko, we’re not just learning the style and rhythm—the goal of regular practice in this art is to reach an inner level where you’re truly communicating with the Taiko and feel it as your own. You resonate with Taiko in the way you are, the way you move, and the way you work as a team.

KOKORO (Spirit)

Self-control and playing from the heart.

WAZA (Action)

Skill, technique, musicality.


Strength and physical endurance

REI (Attitude)

Respect, courtesy, unity.

Illustrations : Bárbara Abad

Annual Course

In regular Taiko classes, we will teach you basic rhythms and pure technique for playing efficiently. We learn a repertoire of both traditional and modern pieces that expands each year, along with basic concepts of stage presence, improvisation, and creative expression. This way, we enjoy the learning process and gradually build a group that will be able to perform on stage at the end of the course, showcasing all the progress and knowledge gained through a live performance.

Beginners Workshops

Our introductory Taiko workshops offer you the opportunity to experience your first encounter with the instrument and its history. You’ll learn about the origins and traditions behind this ancient art, master simple rhythms, and play your first traditional Japanese composition—all on authentic Taiko drums.

Talleres de Iniciación

Con los talleres de iniciación al taiko queremos darte la oportunidad de tener tu primer acercamiento y toma de contacto con el instrumento y su historia. Conocerás el origen y la tradición que existe tras este arte milenario, aprenderás ritmos sencillos y tocarás tu primera composición tradicional japonesa, todo ello en tambores taiko originales.

Summer Lessons.

Experience and explore different styles of taiko drumming. Japanese percussion boasts a wide variety of styles and techniques, such as Odaiko, Hachijou style, Nana style, Shime technique, and more. In our summer courses, you have the opportunity to discover and try new styles, facing new challenges to improve your skills as a taiko drummer, by learning more complex songs with advanced rhythm patterns and technique.

Specific topics Workshops

We have created a series of workshops specifically dedicated to learning and deepening more specific concepts, focusing on the details that make Taiko an art form in itself. “TaikOn Stage: Presence through Acting Techniques,” “Oroshi: Our Vital Rhythm,” “Kuchishouga: Sing It and Play It!” These workshops are aimed at international taiko players and taiko groups who want to improve their stage performance skills.


Hemos creado un grupo de workshops dedicados especialmente al aprendizaje y profundización de conceptos más específicos con una temática centrada en los detalles que hacen del Taiko un arte en sí mismo. “TaikOn Stage: presence through acting techniques”, “Oroshi: our vital Rhythm”, “Kuchishouga: sing it and play it!”. Dirigidos a taikistas internacionales y grupos de taiko que quieran mejorar sus habilidades en escena.

Educational Projects.

We bring taiko to your educational center. If you want to offer your students the opportunity to learn and experience the benefits of playing taiko, we can bring all the necessary materials to provide group workshops or personalized classes at your facilities. Tell us your proposal—our main goal will be to promote teamwork among the students, incorporating dynamics that improve their listening, coordination, and most importantly, their enjoyment and concentration in the classroom.

Special needs Projects.

Taiko connects. Taiko is connection. Our inclusive projects aim to teach and bring the art of Japanese percussion closer to communities who may have once felt that making music was not for them, such as people with hearing impairments or those with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). Both groups find in musical education and the practice of taiko an opportunity to express themselves freely and, at the same time, enjoy it. The benefits of regular Taiko practice break down physical and mental barriers, promoting equality and personal and group growth.

Proyectos inclusivos

El Taiko conecta. El Taiko es conexión. Nuestros proyectos inclusivos tienen como objetivo enseñar y acercar el arte de la percusión japonesa a colectivos que alguna vez han sentido que hacer música no era para ellos, como personas con deficiencia auditiva o personas con TEA, ya que ambos colectivos encuentran en la educación musical y en la practica del taiko una oportunidad de expresarse libremente y a la vez disfrutar con ello. Los beneficios de la práctica regular de Taiko desbloquea barreras físicas y mentales favoreciendo así la igualdad y el crecimiento personal y grupal.

International taiko masters

Whenever we have the opportunity, we invite international taiko masters and artists to offer intensive courses, where they teach not only technique and repertoire but also share part of their personal history with Taiko. We believe it is very important to understand the origins of taiko and its rich history, so it is essential to train with artists from the country where this art originated.