Scottish Taiko Festival

¡TaikoMon en Escocia! ¡Segunda edición del Festival de Taiko Escocés del 8 al 14 de Abril! Durante el fin de semana se ofrecen diferentes tipos de talleres impartidos por líderes y maestros internacionales de Taiko, entre ellos estará nuestra directora Mónica Vedia impartiendo un taller sobre «Taiko en Escena: presencia a través de técnicas actorales», muy interesante para todos aquellos que quieran mejorar su comunicación con el público y su seguridad como artistas en el escenario.
Échale un ojo a la web y vente a disfrutar de un fin de semana a tope de taiko!
Muchas gracias a Tsuchigumo Daiko y Joao Madeira por la organización y la oportunidad de conectarnos a través del taiko! Anunciamos un nuevo taller gratuito para profesionales del taiko que trabajan con niños con necesidades educativas especiales. La sesión será dirigida y moderada por Mónica Vedia de TaikoMon · 太鼓門, una profesional de taiko con experiencia trabajando con niños y adolescentes con necesidades educativas especiales. Mónica compartirá su experiencia y luego invitaremos a la gente a compartir sus experiencias y hacer preguntas. Compartimos un video resumen sobre los proyectos realizados hasta ahora, esperamos que os guste y podáis compartirlo

I can’t be more grateful to the Scottish Taiko Festival, Joao Madeira, Tsuchigumo Daiko, Shoshin Taiko Dojo, Shonagh Walker and Martin Doyle for having me and letting me be part of this amazing taiko festival in the wonderful Scotland!
The city, the mountains, the rain, the cold, the rainbow, the sound of the taiko, the taiko friends, the talks, the learning, the new connections, the ceilidh, the laughter…everything we have shared during this week has been a dream.
I can only thank you! And thanks to all the participants in my first internacional workshop «TaikOn Stage: presence through acting techniques» for trusting me and playing with me. And to the rest of the workshop leaders for the support and feedback.
Especially to Shoji Kameda and Yuta Kato for the great teaching and sharing these two visually and rhythmically powerful taiko pieces with the taiko community. It has been a challenging honor for me and I have enjoyed them very much!
¡Viva Yodan Uchi y Bravo Lion Chant!
Gracias! Arigatou! Thank you!
Gracias a Joao Madeira, Martin Doyle y Shonagh Walker por la iniciativa y la Organización del Scottish Taiko Festival! Que maravilla de encuentro! Y qué descubrimiento el Ceilidh Dance! ¡Quiero ese final de fiesta siempre!
Tsuchigumo taiko Facebook:
We’ve just about caught up on sleep after an exhilarating week of drumming, learning, laughing, talking, and dancing at the Scottish Taiko Festival and inaugural Taiko Gasshuku Alba. After months of planning and preparation with our partner Joao at Shoshin Taiko Dojo, it felt like the week flew by, and as the days have passed, the Taiko withdrawal symptoms have steadily started to kick in.
First up was intensive; and we went in BIG, welcoming two of the finest Taiko players and educators in the world in Shoji Kameda and Yuta Kato, to teach Lion Chant and Yodan Uchi respectively. 30 students from all over the world immersed themselves in the pieces and were able to perform them at the feature concert on Sunday afternoon, to a rapturous reception from the audience. It’s a testament to the teaching proficiency of the instructors and the patience, determination and skill of the participants that we were able to do so. Many personal challenges were surmounted over the four days, with players sharing information and encouraging each other to achieve a common goal. Great job, Everyone!
On Friday night we had our ‘Buffet Banquet’ in Aberfoyle Memorial Village Hall before one of Yuta’s famous ‘Hachijo Parties’, where everyone was invited to take the stage and solo, including those who’d never even hit a drum before!
Over the weekend, we welcomed workshops leaders from Europe and the US to share their knowledge, skills, and passion with eager students seeking to take their Taiko playing to the next level. Monica from TaikoMon · 太鼓門, Rannoch Razz Purcell, Lucy Thomas from Taiko South West, Jared from Tengu Taiko Drummers, Benni Haas, Silke Hanzen, Jonas from Taiko Bastards, and Adam Weiner from Tic Tac Taiko all led workshops, and the level of teaching quality and content was phenomenal across the board, with topics including soloing, composition, stage presence, drills, fundamentals, and technique.
Saturday night was our Community Concert, where Taiko players from all over joined local groups and those in our wider Tsuchigumo Family to showcase what they had been working on for the last year. Enso Daiko from Banchory, East Coast Taiko from Edinburgh, both Mokuyōbi Taiko groups from Glasgow, and our Tsuchigumo Intermediates all did an amazing job on the night, and we are immensely proud of you all. A special mention also to Shoshin Taiko Dojo led by Joao, whose performance of ‘ Chou Chou’ was fantastic.
Sunday was our feature concert, with Shoji and Yuta taking more of a centre-stage role, supported by our Tsuchigumo members, Joao, and other workshop leaders. With 30 drums on stage including 4 ENORMOUS Miyamoto Unosuke Shoten drums (kindly donated by Miyamoto / kaDON for the event), it was a little tight, but we managed our way through it, driven on by a fabulously enthusiastic audience.
To round things off, we finished the festival with a traditional Scottish Cèilidh. The local community band were tremendous, although they did test our Taiko cardio with increasingly longer renditions. Watching our friends from the Taiko community dancing and having so much fun together was special. It’s a memory we will treasure forever.
So before we look ahead to next year, we’d like to extend our heart-felt thanks to everyone who came and supported our wee festival. Your incredible support and dedication are the beating heart of this event, and seeing your wee faces light up with passion and joy throughout was truly magical. STF is not just about the Taiko—it’s about community, connection, and creativity. It’s about coming together to celebrate a shared love for the art of taiko drumming, and each of you brought that spirit to life in ways we couldn’t have imagined.