Taiko School in Madrid

“The first rhythmic sound you heard is your mother’s heartbeat”
Taiko means “big drum” in Japanese and refers to the art of Japanese percussion; considered a sacred instrument, it was used in ancient times on battlefields, in temples, in court music, in Kabuki and Noh theater, and in Japanese festivals.
An ancient art with a powerful philosophy behind it.
TaikoMon is a Japanese percussion school and company founded in 2017 by Mónica Vedia, with the aim of bringing and promoting the art of taiko in Spain.


Monica Vedia

“Taiko, for me, is visual music in motion, a multidisciplinary art that connects body and mind with the instrument through vibration, breath, voice, and movement.”
Performing Arts Professional, specialized in Interpretation, dance, gestural theater, and improvisation. With over 20 years of professional experience in the world of taiko. Teacher and founder of the Japanese percussion school TaikoMon in 2017 in Madrid, Spain. Artistic director of the company and creative leader of educational and inclusive projects through the use of taiko. Collaborator in international taiko events. Currently engaged in ongoing training and creation.


Learn the art of taiko.

Watching Taiko performance is very stimulating, but playing it yourself is exciting and transformative.
It’s a unique Japanese artistic discipline that will not leave you indifferent.
Come and discover it, and learn the art of Japanese percussion without needing any prior musical knowledge. Enjoy channeling your energy and turning it into music.


Taiko Performances

Don’t just hear about it, experience it live. TaikoMon is the most established taiko company in Spain since 2017, founded by Mónica Vedia with the goal of bringing the art of taiko to Spain and spread it. Their performances are rooted in the ancient tradition of taiko and are characterized by their power, energy, and meticulously crafted staging.


Latest Posts

Immerse yourself in the rhythm and tradition of Taiko through the TaikoMon blog. Discover captivating articles, practical tips, and inspiring experiences that will deepen your connection with this ancient art. From percussion techniques to the stories behind the performances, our blog is your gateway to an exciting journey into the fascinating world of Taiko. Join us as we explore the magic of Japanese drums together at TaikoMon!
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