Summer lessons

Summer is different! We’ve created a special program just for you, so you can choose what best fits with your holidays. We offer something unique that adapts to your free time, allowing you to continue practicing taiko without interrupting your vacation during the months of July and August. Come try it out, no prior musical knowledge required. You decide!

Four Lessons - Four Styles

Monday BETA

These classes will focus on practicing and deepening the “beta style” with group dynamics, basic techniques, and an introduction to musical composition and improvisation. Ideal for those who want to start regular taiko practice.

Tuesday NANAME

The “naname style” involves playing diagonally and is widely recognized and popular both in Japan and the United States. This style is known for its wide range of movements and is often played at festivals. We will learn basic techniques and Matsuri (festival) repertoire.

Wednesday HACHIJOU

Originating from the small island of Hachijou Jima in Japan, this style is becoming popular thanks to the artist Chieko Kojima. It’s a simple style based on improvisation and movement. We will learn basic rhythms and patterns to create our own musical piece.

Thursday ODAIKO

The great Japanese drum, the Odaiko, is the largest of all. Come and feel its power, learn how we use the whole body in a single strike. In these classes, you’ll play Odaiko through simple rhythms, which you’ll learn using the Japanese technique of Kuchishouga.

School facilities are located at:

Camino de San Martín de la Vega, 6, nave 34. Polígono San Sebastián. Arganda del Rey. Madrid

How to get there?

By car : Autovía A·3 km 25, Arganda del Rey.
By Subway : Line 9, Arganda del Rey. (8-minute walk to the school)
By Bus : From Conde de Casal, bus numbers 312 and 312A. (Stop directly at the entrance to the industrial area)

If you want to join us:

Write to us and we’ll send you all the information, payment methods, and school regulations.