Special Needs Projects

Music is a medium of expression, a channel of communication. Through rhythm, we generate physical and emotional states capable of provoking significant changes in their behaviour. One of the most relevant is its role in facilitating and re-establishing social bonds. With the practice of Taiko, we aim to improve three very significant areas:

For People with Hearing Disabilities:

Hearing disabilities are not a barrier to feeling, creating, and enjoying music. The project aims to teach and demonstrate that people with hearing disabilities are not excluded from enjoying music; it just needs to be teaching from new perspectives.
The project works on listening through the body, involving perception through other senses like skin, sight, and even imagination. This fosters confidence and security in the participants, while also creating an educational and inclusive experience.
It is important to ensure that the program is adapted to the specific needs of each person with hearing impairment, providing the necessary instruction and additional support so they can participate and enjoy the sessions.
By placing their hand on the Taiko drum to feel the rhythm, using more eye contact than usual, employing body language and expression to learn more complex rhythms, allowing free moments for personal connection with the instrument, and giving space for selfdiscovery, participants can fully engage.
Through teaching tools from the dramatic arts, such as play, listening, body expression, and teamwork, an organic group dynamic is created, leading to maximum enjoyment of the activity.

For Children and Adolescents with ASD:

People with ASD often have a particular ability to process auditory stimuli before verbal ones, which draws them to music. The practice of Taiko helps improve specific disorders such as:
Taiko drumming is highly attractive due to its ease of execution, its intuitive nature, and its adaptability to all individuals, regardless of their physical or mental condition. This facilitates:
Music acts as an alternative language that provides access to the complex inner world characteristic of people with ASD.
MAIN OBJECTIVE: Stimulate the cognitive, physical, and social areas of the participants through rhythm, play, and movement.
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: Have fun and release stress. Enjoy channeling our energy and turning it into music. Develop creativity, attention, memory, and concentration. Improve focus, coordination, and teamwork. Increase self-esteem, vitality, and energy.

Specific Requirements for Project Bookings:

School facilities are located at:

Camino de San Martín de la Vega, 6, nave 34. Polígono San Sebastián. Arganda del Rey. Madrid

How to get there?

By car : Autovía A·3 km 25, Arganda del Rey.
By Subway : Line 9, Arganda del Rey. (8-minute walk to the school)
By Bus : From Conde de Casal, bus numbers 312 and 312A. (Stop directly at the entrance to the industrial area)

If you want to join us:

Write to us and we’ll send you all the information, payment methods, and school regulations.