Educational Projects

OUR MAIN GOAL is to stimulate the cognitive, physical, and social areas of the participants through rhythm, play, and movement.

Specific requirements for workshop bookings:

Currently collaborating with Arganda City Council:

The first locality in Spain to offer taiko as a public activity within its cultural activities program. More information can be found on the Arganda del Rey City Council website.

They have trusted us:

School facilities are located at:

Camino de San Martín de la Vega, 6, nave 34. Polígono San Sebastián. Arganda del Rey. Madrid

How to get there?

By car : Autovía A·3 km 25, Arganda del Rey.
By Subway : Line 9, Arganda del Rey. (8-minute walk to the school)
By Bus : From Conde de Casal, bus numbers 312 and 312A. (Stop directly at the entrance to the industrial area)

If you want to join us:

Write to us and we’ll send you all the information, payment methods, and school regulations.